
Multi-Omics Integration for Cancer Related Pattern Discovery


主讲人:高琳  西安电子科技大学教授




主讲人介绍:高琳,女,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,省级重点学科学术带头人。计算机学会生物信息学专业委员会副主任,人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会副主任,运筹学会计算生物信息学分会常务理事,细胞生物学学会生物信息学与系统生物学分会理事。陕西省学位委员会学科评议组第三届成员,西安电子科技大学第八界学术委员会委员。国家科学技术奖评审专家,国家重大专向评审专家,第十三届、十四届国家自然基金委员会信息学部评审组专家,863项目答辩评审专家。国家自然基金、博士点基金、 博士后基金、留学回国人员基金等通讯评审专家,《Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology》编委。APBC,ISBRA,IEEE ISB等多个国际会议PC。

内容介绍:The mechanism, diagnosis and prognosis of cancer is one of the core researches problem in life science and related multidisciplinary domain. The challenge is that the progression process of a cancer is a highly dimensional, time varying, and dynamic system. How do we discover cancer-causing patterns, cancer subtyping and finally associate these patterns with cancer initiation, progression and therapy. With increasing amounts of multi-omics/single-cell multi-omics data becoming available, we can construct the computational model of those kinds of data by different kinds of model. The system biology and complex network provide new insight for cancer. In this talk, I will investigate network models for different patterns for cancer with multi-omics data integration. The key methodological challenges face in computational disease modeling.