
Spherical Convex Analysis


主讲人:国 起 苏州科技大学教授


地点:腾讯会议 850 6441 4458


主讲人介绍:国起,先后获哈尔滨工业大学博士学位和瑞典 Uppsala 大学博士学位;现任教于苏州科技大学数学科学学院,二级教授;江苏省“十三五重点建设学科项目”学科带头人。长期从事局部凸(Banach)空间几何理论、凸分析与凸几何分析等领域的教学与研究工作,现研究兴趣是球面空间凸性理论。 主持完成国家基金面上项目2项,在研1项,参与完成国家基金面上项目2项,主持完成江苏省“聘外专项重点项目”2项。发表论文80余篇。

内容介绍:This talk is a brief introduction to the spherical convex analysis, mainly collecting the attempts on establishing systematic convex analysis on spherical spaces. The main contents include the basic properties of spherically convex sets and functions, such as the combinatoric and structural properties of spherically convex sets; the Lipschitz continuity of spherically convex functions and the criterions of convexity of functions on spheres; the differentiability of functions on spheres etc. Some topics in spherical convex geometry will also be mentioned.