A Diversified Portfolio Model of Adaptability


主讲人:Frederick Leong 密歇根州立大学教授





密歇根州立大学心理学、精神病学教授,密歇根州立大学多元文化心理学研究协会的主任。梁博士撰写或参与撰写的期刊及书籍章节达240余篇,编辑或合编10余本图书。现任百科全书(赛奇出版社)和APA多元文化心理手册(APA图书)总编辑,并即将出任美国国际贸易委员会测试与评估国际手册(牛津)的主编。《亚洲美国心理学杂志》的主编及《美国心理学家》的副主编。美国心理协会会员,心理科学协会会员,亚洲美国心理协会会员以及跨文化研究国际学院的成员。梁博士的主要研究方向包括:文化和心理健康,跨文化心理治疗(尤其是针对亚洲人及亚裔美国人),文化与人格因素与职业选择的关联,工作调适及职业压力。他曾是APA 第45分会主席,(该分会研究少数民族的社会心理学问题),亚洲美国心理协会主席,第12分会第六分部主席(该分部是少数民族临床心理学)。梁博士所获的最新奖项由亚洲美国心理学协会颁发的终身成就奖以及美国心理学协会颁发的心理科学杰出服务奖。


A new model of adaptability, the diversified portfolio model (DPM) of adaptability, is introduced. In the 1950s, Markowitz developed the financial portfolio model by demonstrating that investors could optimize the ratio of risk and return on their portfolios through risk diversification. The DPM integrates attractive features of a variety of models of adaptability, including Linville’s self-complexity model, the risk and resilience model, and Bandura’s social cognitive theory. The DPM draws on the concept of portfolio diversification, positing that diversified investment in multiple life experiences, life roles, and relationships promotes positive adaptation to life’s challenges. The DPM provides a new integrative model of adaptability across the biopsychosocial levels of functioning. More importantly, the DPM addresses a gap in the literature by illuminating the antecedents of adaptive processes studied in a broad array of psychological models. The DPM is described in relation to the biopsychosocial model and propositions are offered regarding its utility in increasing adaptiveness. Recommendations for future research are also offered.